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Elijah's Confirmation

For the past 6 months, my oldest son has been receiving instruction at our parish for the sacrament of Confirmation.  His class consisted of 10 boys/men.  It worked out really well because Elijah's class at school is also preparing for Confirmation, so his religious instruction at school for this whole year has been focused on that.  

Originally we did not think he would be Confirmed this year at all, but then our priest made the announcement about the classes and although Eli and his good friend, Finnian, are both only 11, the priest let them into the class.  They both did very well, and they were the two youngest confirmed yesterday at our church.

During Mass

Processing in

The Bishop presiding over the ceremony was Eusebio Elizondo, one of our auxiliary bishops.  I had never had the pleasure of meeting him before, and I very much enjoyed his joyful and vibrant personality.

His speech to the confirmadi was good and hilarious.  I couldn't help but notice our two priests standing off to the side with goofy grins on their faces.  Bishop Elizondo had everybody laughing, but at the same time he stressed some important things.  He said that in our society, we are said to be "mature" and "adult" at the age of 18 or sometimes 21, but at what age are we considered to be fully mature Christians?  He said at no age, because our journey in the spiritual life is a life-long one.  He said there is always more to know and more growing to do, we are never 'done' maturing, and that we must always continue to seek to grow in holiness.  He reminded everyone that nothing is impossible with God, of the beauty and greatness of Mary as our model in the Christian life, and told all the boys that they should consider the priesthood, and & hopefully they would all someday be saints in Heaven.

After that, each confirmadi came up one by one to receive the sacrament.  They went in age order from oldest to youngest, and so Elijah, being the youngest, was the last.  He chose Thomas (Aquinas) as his confirmation name.  His sponsor was our friend, David.

Even though that last picture isn't the greatest, I just love Eli's proud little smile!

After the ceremony, we went out to brunch with my parents, and David and Sara.  We went to one of my favorite places: Biscuits Cafe.  Elijah opened his gifts at the restaurant.

Izzy waiting to be seated.

Ready to eat!

We got Elijah everything he had asked for: a leather-bound Douay–Rheims bible with gold gilded pages, a combat rosary, and a knights Templar scapular.  The combat rosary comes in a little tin ammo box that says "spiritual ammo." :)  His gifts had a very "soldier of Christ" theme.

We are so happy and proud of our firstborn who has reached such a big milestone in his spiritual life!

I made this collage of his baptism, first communion, and confirmation, and I cannot stop looking at it and thinking about how much he has grown.  It happens so fast!
