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Meal Plan, Shopping List, and Recipes

This is a simple meal plan I came up with to save my sanity.  I needed dinner to be easy and I found that having a consistent meal plan that used the same ingredients every week (and thus the same shopping list every week) was just the ticket.  This was made with ease and simplicity in mind.  It is not meant to be extravagant, fancy, or complicated.  The point is to provide meals that are nourishing while also keeping our cooking time and energy to a minimum.

You might laugh at the idea of having "Meatloaf Monday," "Taco Tuesday," and "Fish Friday," but there is wisdom behind this planning.  For some families, it's the difference between resorting to a box of mac and cheese or putting a healthy dinner on the table.

It eliminates the "What am I going to cook for dinner?" question.  It keeps the shopping list consistent, making it easier to budget and not over-spend on food.  And finally, it prevents food waste by providing a parameter of what your family is eating and when.  You have what you *need* planned, and if you aren't buying excess then it all goes to use.  Money and food are not wasted, your family is nourished, and you're not stressed trying to figure out what's for dinner night after night.

That's the goal, anyway.  If you stick to a plan, meal planning and cooking becomes predictable and easy.  There is beauty in simplicity.

Here I have provided a seven-day meal plan, a corresponding shopping list, and recipes.

Please note that the shopping list is purposefully ambiguous to give you freedom in choosing your preferred brands and the amount that suits your family size.

I also did not include instructions on cooking the sides.  I simply steam the vegetables, and most other things are self-explanatory (mashed potatoes, rice, beans, salad.)

You may save, print. and share these images.  Good ideas come from the Holy Spirit and all credit ultimately belongs to God.  He wants us to share and encourage one another, so I share this freely with you and you may share freely with others. "Freely you have received, freely give." Matthew 10:8

The Plan

The Shopping List

The Recipes

Here's the staples you'll need but I assume you already have so I left them off of the shopping list. 
 them to your list if you need to.

onion powder
garlic powder
olive oil
tomato sauce
