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Elijah's 8th Birthday

I am getting to that point at the end of pregnancy where I am, sadly, perpetually miserable and grumpy and just want to have this baby.  I try so hard not to be "that way," but it's difficult.  I am ready.  In the meantime, however, I am just trying to rest as much as I can, not bite the heads off of my beloved family members, and keep my hands and mind distracted.

Last week was the celebration of Elijah's 8th birthday.  He wanted his party to be a Hobbit themed party, but because I basically forgot about his party until two weeks before, I had very little time to plan.  I had no time to order neat things online, nor did I really want to dump that much money into a birthday party anyway.  So it was a pretty low-key, but he had fun.  The most important thing to him was having friends over to play with (okay, and maybe opening the presents.)

For decorations, I made giant spiders out of balloons and streamers.

...Yeah, that was the extent of decorations.

One of my gifts to Eli was a novelty pen that looks like Bilbo's dagger, Sting.  It was thus named because the spiders screamed, "It stings!" when he stabbed them with it.  After the party was over, I let Elijah run around the house and "kill the spiders" with his novelty Sting pen and he said it was awesome.

The cake was probably the coolest part.  I followed the instructions from Over the Apple Tree.  Mine doesn't look quite as nice as hers, but I didn't expect it to.  It was still very fun to make, and the kids were delighted!

I had wanted to get him a collection of Hobbit legos, but was unable to find Hobbit legos anywhere!  All six stores I tried were sold out.  Instead, I got him Minecraft and Chima legos.  Attached to each box was some kind of little knick-knack because he likes things like that.  A red dragon (you know, like Smaug), a bookmark, the dagger/pen, a giant skeleton key, and an airplane charm.  He also received some really thoughtful presents from his friends.

As soon as his party ended, he sat down with all his new lego sets and built until he had to go bed.  He didn't even want to stop to eat dinner.  I realized quite quickly that we have officially exceeded the amount of legos that our current storage system can hold.  I am multi-tasking right now by searching pinterest for a new storage solution as I type this.
