February greeted us with an unusual snow day. Our weather has been much colder than usual, and it's put a real cramp in our style. I am simply not accustomed to cold weather and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. But since the backyard was wearing a beautiful coat of snow, I bundled the kids up and pushed them out the door. What I'm Doing: If I'm not mistaken, this is about the time that Isabelle came down with a rather unfortunate and very pesky stomach bug that kept us cooped up in the house for a couple of weeks. Oddly enough, it didn't spread around to any other members of our family, but I wasn't about to risk sharing germs with our friends, so we just stayed home. For a long time. This was the same time that my husband was adjusting to his new job, which turned out to have very demanding hours. It's already becoming a distant memory now, but the first couple weeks of February had me pinned on the couch underneath a miser...