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My Husband Converts

On Saturday, June 21st, the feast day of St. Aloysius, my husband went through the ceremony of Baptism, was confirmed, and received his first Holy Communion.  The sacraments were administered according to the old rite in an FSSP parish.  I had never seen an adult conversion done in the old rite, and it was a little elaborate!  The priest handed us the booklets to follow along and my eyes fell on the word "exorcism."  I asked, "Why do they call it an exorcism?"  And he said, "Because it is."

Standing at the entrance of the church, the priest was dressed in a purple cope.  He called my husband by his first name and asked him what he is asking of God's church.  My husband responded, "Faith."  The priest then questioned him further, asking things such as "Do you renounce Satan?" and "Do you believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth?"  My husband would respond, "I do renounce him" and "I do believe."  After answering all the questions, the priest blew on his face and then said, "Depart from him, unclean spirit, and give place to the Holy Spirit."  Then he blew on him in the form of a cross and said, "Receive, by this breath, the good Spirit along with His blessing."  The first act of blowing is a sign of removing something - figuratively driving out the evil spirit.  The second breath is a sign of giving something - figuratively bestowing on them God's spirit and blessing.

He then signed my husband on his brow ("that you may take up the cross of our Lord"), on his ears ("that you may listen to the heavenly teachings"), on his eyes ("that you may see the grandeur of God"), on his nostrils, ("that you may sense the sweet fragrance of Christ"), on the mouth ("that you may proclaim the word of life"), on the breast ("that you may believe in God"), and on the shoulders, ("that you may take on the yoke of His service.")

Next the priest started the prayers of the exorcism.  He sprinkled a pinch of blessed salt in my husband's mouth.

During the next part, the same sequence was repeated three times.  The priest instructed my husband to kneel and told him to say the Our Father prayer.  Then he told my husband to stand up and complete the prayer with, "Amen."  Then I, as his sponsor, step forward and make the sign of the cross on his forehead with my thumb.  The priest then tells my husband to take a step forward.

After this process plays out three times, the priest led my husband by his stole into the church.  Upon entering, my husband laid down prostrate in adoration of Christ.  When he stood up, he recited the Apostle's Creed and the Our Father again.  The priest prays another exorcism prayer, then moistens his thumb with his saliva and touches my husband's right ear and then the left, saying: "Ephpheta" (be opened.)  He then anointed my husband with oil.

At this point, the priest changed from his purple cope into a white one.  Then he led my husband to the baptismal font.  The actual pouring of water was omitted because my husband was previously baptized in another denomination, but he gave him a white cloth and said, "Take this white garment and keep it spotless until you arrive at the judgment seat of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you may be rewarded with everlasting life."  Then he lit a baptismal candle and handed it to my husband.  The priest said the conclusion and the baptism was over.

After that, we walked to the front of the church.  My husband was confirmed, and then we had our marriage blessed.  The priest then said Mass, during which my husband received his First Communion, and then afterwards he was enrolled in the brown scapular.

After 9 years of marriage, my husband is now also Catholic!


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