I have never blogged extensively (or even kept much of a written log at all, really) of everything we've experienced with our daughter, Anja. I would venture to guess that most people don't know exactly everything we've been through, only if they knew us from the beginning do they understand the truly remarkable progress (and almost miraculous, really) improvements she's made. I've learned a tremendously lot about life, and love, and parenting, in just these few short years since God blessed us with Anja. You never dream that you would ever be able to change an infant's trach, or learn the mechanics of a ventilator, or connect a tube to your daughter's stomach and set a pump to deliver drops of formula into her belly all night. You can't fathom it until you do it. And when you do it, it's not because you're special or amazing or different from your typical parent, it's just because you love your child. That's all. You will go to t...