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April - June 2021

Abigail drinking a glass of chocolate milk. In the middle of March, we had a very spontaneous visit from a friend in Washington.  She was traveling through with her twelve children (no big deal) and they stopped to stay with us for a night.  We had 18 kids in the house for about 24 hours,  and it was so wonderful.   It was good to see an old friend, to reconnect and catch up, even if it was brief. Washington I still don't know how she did it, but she convinced  me  to drive to Washington  to visit her  by myself with all of my kids!  The drive with the kids was smooth and easy.  We arrived on Holy Thursday and  stayed with her for almost a week, during Easter-time.  My friend is such a lovely hostess that the whole trip was easy and enjoyable.  I felt at ease and relaxed with 18 kids for 6 days during Easter!   Can you even believe it?  It was lively and refreshing; I have only happy memories. It was so good  to be at St. Joseph's again, just to sit in the pew and look around

January - March 2021

Well, hello! A couple of minor housekeeping notes before I proceed: 1. When I deleted my Instagram and Facebook accounts I had the intention of writing occasional blog posts.  I wasn't sure how often "occasionally" would be, but as my busy life plays out, I'm now thinking a casual pledge of one post every 2-3 months sounds doable. 2. Because I no longer have a social media account on which to share photos and videos, you can probably expect my blog posts to be very picture and video heavy. Now, with that out of the way, I will dive right in -- Off Social Media I deleted both my facebook and instagram accounts during the second week of January. In case you are wondering what that is like and how it is going, I'm happy to report that I haven't had a single regret.  It's been a huge relief  as it has alleviated much anxiety and eliminated much distraction.  I am so absolutely busy with so many other things that I can't even remember how I had to time to s